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Sisters-in-Christ:  ENLIGHTENED by the Word of God  



Our Bible studies and workshops are designed to bring the essence of Biblical teachings into today's reality.   


Each session is filled with Bible truths and "hands-on" interaction to help grasp the biblical teachings of Christ, creating an enjoyable and  enlightening experience.

Contact us for booking information!

Bible Study Sessions and Workshops

A Wise Woman Builds

Proverbs 14:1

 See how we navigate family, church, community and still remain in the awesome presence of God.


Colossians 2:6-7

 Learn the exciting truths a rooted palm tree can teach us about weathering the storms of life.  

Pearls & Grace   WORKSHOP

1 Corinthians 15:10

Even though a pearl goes through a tedious transformation process that starts with one small grain of sand, it is still one of the world's most beautiful and luxurious gems. It does not look like what it has been through. As we navigate through life, learn how God refines us and how grace sustains each of us through our own personal transformation process.


LOVE - The Greatest of Them All

1 Corinthians 13:13

There are several types of love but only one form of love can't be obtained without the grace of God and having an intimate relationship with Him. Learn how to experience this profound love affair. 

Fear Factor

Isaiah 41:10

Know your enemy and the devices of fear that he will keep you from pursuing your purpose and the destiny God has for you.

By God's Design WORKSHOP

Psalm 139:14

Discover your temperament and how God can use its uniqueness for His Glory.

A Gift That Keep Giving

1 Corinthians 12:11

As born-again believers, we are blessed with spiritual gifts according to God's will. Identify the gifts of the spirit; discover your God-given gifts (we all have at least one); and explore how to use them to the Glory of God.  

FOCUS Series (5 Parts)  WORKSHOP

1 Peter 5:8

During these days and times, it is important to stay focused on the instructions God has given us for daily living.  Learn the true essence of being focused and how distractions can derail us from our calling.


Proverbs 17;17a

Explore what true godly friendships look like and recognize what they are not. Acknowledge relational idolatry and learn how to avoid getting entangled in it.

Wash Your Hands!

Psalm 24:4

During these times, clean hands are important in making sure germs won't invade our bodies, which will make us sick.  While we make sure our hands are clean, our hearts need to be cleansed as well.   Learn how our hands, dirty or clean, are connected to the condition of our heart.


 Who is my enemy?

1 John 4:4

Sometimes we are fighting the wrong enemy and the true culprit is on the sidelines watching our destruction. Discover who our real enemy is and how to become a VICTOR not a victim during an attack.

You are what you think

Proverbs 23:7

Is there a connection between the brain and heart? See how a thought process can create realities that control our actions.



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